2024-2025 Sponsorships

Donate to Corrib Theatre and choose what your contribution supports!

$10,000 or More: Season Sponsors

Support our two salaried staff positions, general operating expenses, and future sustainability.

Many available!

Sponsored by Ronni Lacroute

Sponsored by the Government of Ireland’s Emigrant Support Programme

Sponsored by the Regional Arts & Culture Council (RACC)

$5,000 or More: Production Sponsors: Waiting for Godot

Support our ability to pay for rehearsal and performance space, design materials, marketing, performance rights, and other expenses relating to Waiting for Godot.

3 available!

$3,000 or More: Production Sponsors: Pass Over

Support our ability to pay for rehearsal and performance space, design materials, marketing, performance rights, and other expenses relating to Pass Over.

2 available!

Sponsored by Ellyn Bye

$2,000 or More: Director & Stage Manager Sponsors

Support our ability to pay our directors and stage managers for their time, talent, and labor!

Patty Gallagher, director of Waiting for Godot: Sponsored by Charlotte Rubin

Vin Shambry, director of Pass Over: Sponsorship available

Hayley Farrell, stage manager for Waiting for Godot: Sponsorship available

(TBD) stage manager for Pass Over: Sponsorship available

$1,000 or More: Actor Sponsors

Support our ability to pay our actors for their time, talent, and labor!

Roo Welsh as Vladimir in Waiting for Godot: Sponsorship available

Karl Hanover as Estragon in Waiting for Godot: Sponsorship available

Jonathan Cullen as Pozzo in Waiting for Godot: Sponsorship available

Doren Elias as Lucky in Waiting for Godot: Sponsorship available

Max O’Hara as The Boy in Waiting for Godot: Sponsorship available

Emmanuel Davis as Moses in Pass Over: Sponsorship available

Nik Whitcomb as Kitch in Pass Over: Sponsorship available

Jake Street as Mister/Ossifer in Pass Over: Sponsorship available

$1:000 or More: Designer Sponsors

Support our ability to pay our designers for their time, talent, and labor!

Kyra Sanford designing scenic and props for Waiting for Godot: Sponsorship available

Kelly Terry designing lights for Waiting for Godot: Sponsorship available

(TBD) designing costumes for Waiting for Godot: Sponsorship available

Kelly Terry designing lights for Pass Over: Sponsorship available

Wanda Walden designing costumes for Pass Over: Sponsorship available

Sharath Patel designing sound for Pass Over: Sponsorship available

$500 or More: Accessibility Sponsors

Help cover the cost of our accessibility initiatives!

Student Tickets for Waiting for Godot: Sponsored by Marvin & Abby Dawson

Theatre Industry Tickets for Waiting for Godot: Sponsorship available

American Sign Language interpreted performance of Waiting for Godot: Sponsorship available

Student Tickets for Pass Over: Sponsorship available

Theatre Industry Tickets for Pass Ove: Sponsorship available

American Sign Language interpreted performance of Pass Over: Sponsorship available

Our Spring 2025 program Godot is a Woman will have additional sponsorship opportunities!

Many available between $500-$2,000

Sponsored by Charlotte Rubin