
Corrib Theatre Anti-discrimination / Anti-harassment Policy


Corrib Theatre is committed to providing an environment free of discrimination and harassment, where all individuals are treated with respect and dignity, can contribute fully, and have equal opportunities. Harassment and discrimination will not be tolerated. If a claim of harassment or discrimination is proven, disciplinary measures will be applied, up to and including termination of employment.

The right to freedom from discrimination and harassment extends to all employees, contract workers, volunteers, interns, and apprentices. It is also unacceptable for these persons to engage in harassment or discrimination, or to be recipients of harassment or discrimination, when dealing with patrons, guests, instructors, performers, rental companies, service providers, or others.

Prohibited Conduct

This policy prohibits discrimination or harassment based on the following (whether actual or perceived):

  • Age
  • Belief system or religion
  • Sex (including pregnancy and breastfeeding)
  • Sexual orientation
  • Gender identity and expression
  • Family status
  • Marital status (including married, single, widowed, divorced, separated, or living in a conjugal relationship outside of marriage, whether in a same-sex or opposite-sex relationship)
  • Disability (including mental, physical, developmental, or learning disabilities)
  • Race
  • Color
  • Weight, height, or other physical attributes
  • Ancestry
  • Place of origin
  • Ethnic origin
  • Citizenship or immigration status
  • Nationality
  • Record of offences


Discrimination: Any form of unequal treatment, whether imposing extra burdens or denying benefits. It may be intentional or unintentional. It may involve direct actions that are discriminatory on their face, or it may involve rules, practices or procedures that appear neutral, but disadvantage certain groups of people. Discrimination may take obvious forms, or it may happen in very subtle ways. Even if there are many factors affecting a decision or action, if discrimination is one factor, that is a violation of this policy.

Harassment: A course of comments or actions that are known, or ought reasonably to be known, to be unwelcome. It can involve words or actions that are known or should be known to be offensive, embarrassing, humiliating, demeaning or unwelcome, based on a ground of discrimination identified by this policy. Harassment can occur based on any of the grounds of discrimination.

Harassment includes:

  • Epithets, remarks, jokes, or innuendos related to a person’s race, gender identity, gender expression, sex, disability, sexual orientation, creed, age, or any other ground.
  • Posting or circulating offensive pictures, graffiti, or materials, whether in print form or via e-mail or other electronic means.
  • Singling out a person for humiliating or demeaning “teasing” or jokes because they are a member of a Code-protected group.
  • Comments ridiculing a person because of characteristics that are related to a ground of discrimination. For example, this could include comments about a person’s dress, speech or other practices that may be related to their sex, race, gender identity or creed.
  • Any kind of retaliation for the reporting of observed or alleged discrimination or harassment.

If a person does not explicitly object to harassing behavior, or appears to be going along with it, this does not mean that the behavior is okay.

Sexual harassment includes:

  • Gender-related comments about a person’s physical characteristics or mannerisms.
  • Paternalism based on gender which a person feels undermines his or her self-respect or position of responsibility.
  • Unwelcome physical contact.
  • Suggestive or offensive remarks or innuendoes about members of a specific gender.
  • Propositions of physical intimacy.
  • Gender-related verbal abuse, threats, or taunting.
  • Leering or inappropriate staring.
  • Bragging about sexual prowess or questions or discussions about sexual activities.
  • Offensive jokes or comments of a sexual nature about an employee or client.
  • Rough and vulgar humor or language related to gender.
  • Display of sexually offensive pictures, graffiti or other materials including through electronic means.
  • Demands for dates or sexual favors.
  • Sexual solicitations or advances by any person who is in a position to grant or deny a benefit to the recipient of the solicitation or advance. This includes managers and supervisors, as well as co-workers where one person is in a position to grant or deny a benefit to the other. Reprisals for rejecting such advances or solicitations are also not allowed.


All persons are expected to uphold and abide by this policy, by refraining from any form of harassment or discrimination, and by cooperating fully in any investigation of a harassment or discrimination complaint.

Managers, directors, and crew heads have the additional obligation to immediately report observations or allegations of harassment or discrimination.


Observations or allegations of harassment or discrimination should immediately be reported to Corrib’s Artistic Director, Managing Director, or member of the Board of Directors. Corrib Theatre pledges to immediately investigate such observations or allegations, take appropriate action, and maintain confidentiality to the maximum extent possible.